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Who are we…

We are a member of the World Dating Partners network, and as such have one of the most innovative and feature-rich dating sites on the internet today. An in-depth series of compatibility tests, combined with a unique matching system, means that our success rate in bringing people together is outstanding. The revamp of all World Dating Partnership sites, undertaken over a 24 month period at great expense, brings a range of characteristics to the market that is incomparable in the online dating industry.

All partner sites work side-by-side with World Dating Partners in constantly seeking new and progressive ways of making online dating an enjoyable, safe and rewarding experience.

Who are World Dating Partners…

World Dating Partners is the fastest growing co-operative of online-dating sites in the world. This growth is driven by the totally unique partner concept and range of services that we provide, that are unmatched in the industry. Our state-of-the-art systems help existing or new dating-sites gain access to a large data-base of members, improve the quality and flexibility of their website and provide outstanding back office services, such as administration, registration, payment, management and reporting. All running costs of our partners are covered by us, as are all set-up and administrative expenditures.

The combination of zero operational costs and the highest commission rates in the industry (see revenue), generates a level of profit opportunity for partners that is unsurpassed in the industry. The branding, look and feel of partner sites can remain exactly as is, or can be amended and customised to the owners' requirements. Ownership of the site does not change, and as above, any changes in the look, feel and appearance of the site are paid for by us.

Where we've come from...

World Dating Partners Network in combination with Singles Ltd is a hugely successful and still growing series of dating sites established back in 2001. Our years of experience in operating online dating sites has taught us how difficult it is for independent owners of on-line dating sites to reconcile four conflicting issues:

1) The need for substantial ongoing investment in software and programme design, to create the sophisticated and technologically strong website necessary to be successful in this industry,

2) The time and investment necessary to market and sell to prospective dating-site members.

3) The need for a large data-base of members to both attract and retain customers/users.

4) Managing (1) to (3) effectively, whilst still making money!

The World Dating Partners Network has been set up specifically in response to these challenges. By adopting a philosophy of sharing the costs associated with the above across a wide range of partners, we do four things:

1) We earn sufficient income from our proportion of member subscriptions to cover all expenditures associated with initial and ongoing software design and development, and to provide excellent back-up customer service and support for our partners

2) We create extremely exciting and feature-rich templates, plus efficient back office systems, such that your site will be both extremely attractive to members and efficient to operate, at zero ongoing cost to you.

3) The combination of multi-partner databases creates a pool of interested members that is unsurpassed in the industry.

4) We can, and do, pay the highest rates of commission in the industry. Work with us, and you will make a substantial income.

Where we are going...

Our objective is to becoming the undisputed global leader in our field, by providing both the most attractive and flexible business platform and support in the partner network industry, and the greatest opportunity for income development, for both existing and new owners of successful dating sites.

We believe the combination of our unsurpassed back-up systems, our world-class functionality (incorporating such a variety of services, features and content), and the unbeatable financial package we offer, linked to such a growing and diverse group of members, means that we are, and will continue to be, the most attractive dating partner network on the market.

We believe the future of online dating lies in sites being tailored to particular interests, hobbies, or clearly specified member needs (see niche marketing) but this can only be truly successful if managed via a large worldwide group (network) of sites like ourselves, dedicated to working to the same objectives and sharing the same growing client database.

Wish to become a partner? Learn more here...

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